Tag Archives: Toastmasters Scottsdale

Tips for a First-Time Toastmaster

Tips for a First-Time Toastmaster

If you’ve signed up for the Toastmaster role and need some tips and pointers, this is the blog for you!

Today, you’ll read about 10 great tips!

Let’s get started shall we?

The Toastmaster‘s role is to serve as the meeting’s emcee, introducing the Functionaries, the Speakers, and the Table Topics Master. The Toastmaster is introduced by the President and gets the meeting underway by introducing the theme of the day and offering appropriate remarks about the theme. They make sure the meeting flows well, keep time, and most importantly, make the guests feel welcome.

A good Toastmaster will explain each step of the meeting so that all guests have as complete an understanding as possible so that they can participate, if they so desire, or simply follow the agenda without getting lost.

10 Tips to Help You Succeed Your First Time as Toastmaster

  1. Relax and don’t let the role unnerve you.
  2. Call a more veteran member to ask for advice or suggestions.
  3. Choose a theme that is familiar or interesting to you.
  4. Prepare some opening and closing comments about your theme that invite the audience to want to participate and learn more.
  5. Keep your opening and closing comments brief  you are there to keep things moving, not to pontificate for long stretches of time.
  6. Pay attention to the clock … you are largely responsible for keeping the meeting on time.
  7. Make an effort to explain each step of the meeting for the benefit of guests who are first-time visitors to Toastmasters.
  8. Smile and make eye contact with the audience. These are your friends and they’re all rooting for you!
  9. Remember it’s your job to provide an enough copies of the Agenda for all members and guests in attendance.
  10. Have fun!!!

The more relaxed you are and the more you enjoy yourself, the better meeting experience you will create for everyone.


If you’re reading this as a potential guest of Airpark Toastmasters, we sure hope you’ll visit us next week! We’re friendly and supportive – and we do lunch after almost every meeting! Hope to see you soon. 

That’s all for now, but before I leave you, one last thing… I get asked this question all the time!

“Does Toastmasters Really Help?”

Personally, I’ve witnessed transformation after transformation of those joining the Airpark Toastmasters family terrified to speak in public – but then turn into public speaking rock stars! Of course, past history doesn’t guarantee you that same success – you’ll have to make your own intelligent judgements about whether or not we are a fit to help you reach your professional goals.

But I can say this: despite the countless public speaking successes our members have experienced (including 5 media appearances) there are people who race to join Toastmasters, have revealed to them a ‘blue-print’ for public speaking success and yet a few months down the road are still stuck or parked in the same spot!

You do get what you put into it.

I don’t think this will be your experience. After all, you found our blog and read this far so you must be interested in furthering your personal and professional goals through public speaking. Congratulations on completing the first step.

Now, the next step is to stop by as a guest, introduce yourself and watch and learn as we all move forward overcoming our fears, growing professionally through better public speaking and having a great time doing it!

Scottsdale based Airpark Toastmasters, meets at noon every Thursday at the JCC building at 12701 N Scottsdale Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85260. That’s on the SE corner of Scottsdale and Sweetwater Rd. Please click here for directions and feel free to drop in anytime as a guest.

Happy Speaking,
Dana – President | Airpark Toastmasters


“Don’t Be A Turkey” Happy Thanksgiving!

An Important Message From Tony the Turkey:

A Story Of One Turkey’s Remarkable
Public Speaking Journey That Saved His Life!

Dear Valley residents,

Tony the Turkey here and do I have a story to tell you!

I have seen death and laughed in its face!

I cheated death.

I’ll tell you how in a minute. But first there’s something that’s really been ruffling my feathers as of late.

It’s about you.

You’ve paid your dues – many, many, many times over.

You’ve earned the right to have a financially and professionally rewarding job and career.

You deserve the peace of mind and stability that should come with a great job and career.

If you’re frustrated because you don’t have said job or career – because your current position isn’t what you thought it would be – or maybe the opportunity for advancement doesn’t look promising…

If you don’t trust your company to recognize and reward you the way you deserve – heightening your worries about job security, financial freedom and your ability to provide a quality life for you and your loved ones…

If you’re fed up being looked over for promotions, raises, job recognition or you can’t seem to get your team motivated to take action on your ideas…

I Tony the Turkey, feel your pain and understand your concern.

You see, at a time when most of my friends aren’t having a good month, to say the least, I have been granted a full pardon. I am alive and well and the reason for it: my ability to persuade the right people to my message with ease, confidence, and passion.

Yes, that’s right, I’m talking about my ability to speak in public, get my message heard and to get my audience to take action!

Here I am being called to the podium. I was so persuasive with my speaking one journalist approached me afterward to say, “You had me at ‘gobble.'” Who knew a turkey could speak in public? I admit I was a little nervous. But once I got over those initial fears I was able to get my point across and get the audience to act on my idea – To save me being the next Thanksgiving Day meal! Even though I’m a turkey I spoke like a true public speaking professional!

Do you remember the last time you were called to speak in front of your colleagues or co-workers and how nervous you were? The sweaty palms, jittery knees, you couldn’t even swallow it was so bad. I know because I’ve been there. I was so bad at public speaking they used to say, “Hey, he looks and sounds like a Turkey!

Take it from a turkey…

No one wants to be a turkey. Especially not in front of an audience of your peers, colleagues or superiors – that could be career ending! But when your neck’s on the line (pardon the pun) and you’re trying to express a crucial idea but you’re so nervous you barely feel your own two feet on the ground, it’s tough to impress anyone under those circumstances.

But it’s not your fault. Public speaking takes a lot of skill, dedication and hard work. But even then, if you’re working hard on learning the wrong things the problem will get much, much worse.

There’s only one way I know to permanently rid yourself of the fear of public speaking and master the art of getting your audiences to listen to and act on your ideas. It’s an easy to implement step-by-step approach using proven methods to manage your fears while persuading audiences, and having a great support group to cheer you on with encouragement and constructive feedback.

I’m talking about Toastmasters.

Toastmasters is the most complete system for individuals and professionals at all levels – employee, mid level, c-suite; business owners, MBA candidates, parents looking to communicate better with their children or anyone with personal and professional goals that includes learning to get their messages heard and acted on. Toastmasters is the only system that lets you practice multiple leadership and call to action situations without fear of embarrassment or waiting years to climb up the corporate ladder. It focuses on only the core skills necessary to get your message heard and acted on. After all, it’s better to spend less time on the haystack and more time on the needles you want to draw from it, right?

Ooh, and I may be a turkey but I’m no dummy. I know what you’re thinking. You’re probably asking yourself:

“Is Toastmasters All A Bunch of Hype?”

Honestly, how should I know? I’m a turkey. But what I can tell you is this: despite the countless public speaking successes our members have experienced (including 5 media appearances this year!) there are people who race to join Toastmasters, have revealed to them a ‘blue-print’ for public speaking success and yet 6 months down the road are still stuck or parked in the same spot!

You do get what you put into it.

I don’t think this will be your experience. After all, you found our blog and read this far so you must be interested in furthering your personal and professional goals through public speaking. Congratulations on completing the first step.

Now, the next step is to stop by as a guest, introduce yourself and watch and learn as we all move forward overcoming our fears, growing professionally through better public speaking and having a great time doing it!

Scottsdale based Airpark Toastmasters, meets at noon every Thursday at the Copperstate building at 7725 E Evans Rd Scottsdale, AZ 85260. That’s one block north of E. Redfield next door to the Scottsdale Airpark Airport. Please click here for directions and feel free to drop in anytime as a guest.


“Hey, he sounds like a turkey when he speaks in front of the board.
I’m giving him a promotion and a raise!”

Said no CEO ever.

Don’t be a turkey. Learn to speak in public.

Happy Thanksgiving,
Tony the Turkey
Author: Anthony Contreras

The scariest “Happy Halloween” on record!

I went to the Desert Ridge Sandbar here in North Phoenix this past Halloween weekend and I don’t ever recall seeing so many zombies and dead people all in the same night. Maybe I won’t be giving out candy this year. Scary stuff indeed.

Now Here’s Another Scary Thought I Bet You Didn’t Know:

75% of us fear public speaking!

Let’s try this frightening exercise to put the above statistic into perspective: the next time you’re at work or even out amongst friends, look to your left and then to your right. The above statistic being true, that means the two people you see on either side of you each have a major fear of public speaking.

Worse yet, survey’s show that most people would rather die than speak in public!

Did I hear a “boo”?

If this is you, never fear. It’s okay to fear public speaking, do absolutely nothing about it and still live your life as happy and prosperous as it may be.

Here’s proof: computer geeks or research scientists who work in basements with no windows or outside contact with other people whatsoever, much less a need to speak publicly, etc. No offense to all the hard working computer and research folks reading, but the need for people and public speaking skills is probably not necessary for you to be successful.

But, for the rest of us, the need is unavoidable if we expect to move up in the company, get the next pay raise or sell our product/services. And, our hope is that this blog will contain the missing pieces in your search to improve your public speaking and leadership skills – read on below for tips, techniques and personal success stories.

You’ll read about some amazing transformations of members who started with zero public speaking skills successfully getting promotions, opening up their own businesses and even appearing on TV, radio and in the AZ Republic. All because of the power of Airpark Toastmasters.

Airpark Toastmasters really can help you to overcome the fear of public speaking. Really!

So read on! You’ll be glad you did.

Then, pay us a visit as a guest on any Thursday and see what Airpark Toastmasters can do to help you dramatically accelerate your personal and/or professional goals. Our North Phoenix Airpark Toastmasters meeting directions are here.

Ooh, and one last thing…

Is Toastmasters All A Bunch of Hype?

Honestly, I can’t answer that for you. Despite the countless public speaking successes our members have experienced (including 5 media appearances this year!) there are people who excitedly race to join Toastmasters, have information, know-how and a ‘blue-print’ for public speaking success revealed to them and at 6 months to a year down the road are still stuck or parked in the same spot!

I repeat, on the one hand you have multiple, successful Valley professionals and business owners making a difference for their lives and families because of their remarkable ability to communicate. And, then you have those who just can’t seem to get out of the gate.

You do get what you put into it.

But I don’t think that’s going to be your experience at all. You’re diligent enough to have found this blog and appear to be researching your options for personal and professional growth. That’s a great first step and one that’s more effective at overcoming fear than you realize.

Now, the next step is to stop by as a guest, introduce yourself and sit back and watch as we each move forward overcoming our fears, growing professionally and having a great time doing it.

Scottsdale based Airpark Toastmasters, meets at noon every Thursday at the Copperstate building at 7725 E Evans Rd Scottsdale, AZ 85260. That’s one block north of E. Redfield next door to the Scottsdale Airpark Airport. Please click here for directions. We look forward to meeting you soon!

3 out of 4 feel like a pumpkin when speaking in public

He speaks like a pumpkin! Let’s give him a promotion. Said no one ever.

Airpark Toastmasters Members Interviewed on TV!

If you ever wondered what good public speaking can do for your career then take a look at two of our latest member successes – Claudia and Joanie.  They make the 6th and 7th Airpark Toastmasters members to make a recent, big media splash!

Here’s the news clip, starring Claudia and Joanie and how Toastmasters prepares us to be ready for the big TV Interview. Joanie Simon and her husband did an amazing job. You guys were so relaxed and I couldn’t detect any filler words or pregnant pauses….

Also, Claudia Sawaf, Wealth Manager for Trilogy Financial did a fantastic job!

Congratulations to the both of you!

The segment recently aired on FOX News and I’m forwarding the below link to all of you for your review.

Great job Claudia Sawaf and Joanie Simon.


Airpark Toastmasters meets every Thursday at noon to 1:15. Stop by as a guest and introduce yourself. We all look forward to meeting you!

Happy Speaking!

Speaker Tips: Face Front and Remember to Breathe!

Speaker Tips: Face Front and Remember to Breathe!

Airpark Toastmasters has recently implemented a new feature, called Speaker Tips. One more experienced member gives a short, useful speaking tips to the rest of the club.

Face Forward

The first tip, from Laura Orsini, was about the importance of never turning one’s back on theaudience. The first step is learning to use the room well – rather than standing planted in one spot. However, many novice speakers move to the side – or the front – of the room, and then inadvertently turn their backs on the audience as they return to their primary spot. It’s a skill that requires practice – step forward and then retrace your steps, moving backward.

Another option is to walk in a V – step forward and right or left, then return in reverse.

Additionally, if you need to use a whiteboard or have some other reason to turn from the audience, do so from the side, as much as possible. Always make sure they can see your smiling face.

Remember to Breathe!

Sunil Ahuja brought this tip to the club. Although it’s normal to get nervous, you don’t have to succumb to those nerves. A quick, easy way to quell the nerves is with proper breathing – from the belly.

Belly breathing is a slow deep breathing  technique where your belly expands when you breathe, rather than your chest.  Likewise, when you breath out, your belly contracts.

For the best effect, focus on the spot about 2 to 3 fingers below your navel and 2 fingers in. A couple of deep breaths from the belly will cause the fog, nerves, and jitters to clear so that you can deliver your speech with conviction.


If you’re reading this as a potential guest of Airpark Toastmasters, we sure hope you’ll visit us next week! We’re friendly and supportive – and we do lunch after almost every meeting! Hope to see you soon.

The Secret of Mastery

The Secret of Mastery
by Tom Otstot, Airpark Toastmasters President 

My 9-year-old son Kyle, despite temperatures hovering around 110 degrees, convinced me to take him to our Little League field to throw him some batting practice this past weekend. Kyle is a seasoned youth athlete, having played basketball and soccer since he was six, but baseball is a sport he only began a year ago. Fielding has been fairly easy for him to pick up, as his hand-eye and foot coordination transitioned naturally from the other sports, but hitting has been a challenge and is the weakest part of his game.

On this particular day, however, Kyle was making solid contact on virtually every pitch. I threw harder. He continued to crack the ball right back at me, almost effortlessly. It was a vast improvement from the last time I threw him BP and I commented to him my amazement at his new-found skill.

“What changed?” I asked, “What are you doing differently?”

He said to me, “Dad, I figured out the secret. The secret to getting better at hitting…is to keep hitting!”

He went on to explain to me that for the past year, he has heard so much advice (much of it from me!) on how to stand, where his hands are supposed to be, what to do with his head, how to rotate his hips, get that front foot down, extend his arms, etc., but the thing that actually is working for him is taking every opportunity he can find to simply practice hitting itself. Many times you will find him out in the backyard, hitting whiffle balls off the tee, or rocks from the side borders of the yard (which I restrain myself mightily from objecting to…), or Nerf balls in the family room.

He has learned a valuable lesson that every aspiring speaker must learn if they are serious about getting better – Improvement comes from DOING!

Darren LaCroix, the 2001 World Champion of Public Speaking, refers to this principle with his mantra “Stage Time, Stage Time, Stage Time!” He received this advice from his mentors in the comedy world while struggling as a fledgling stand-up comic, and committed himself to taking any and every opportunity to get up in front of an audience and perform in order to improve. Very simply, he observes:

My comedy mentors put it this way: How can you be funny in front of an audience unless you are comfortable in front of an audience? Yes—it’s that simple. Stage time is the essential element for bettering your performance. And it’s the same in the presentation world: how can you be EFFECTIVE, unless you are comfortable in front of an audience?

Why do we hesitate to take advantage of the opportunity to speak at our Toastmasters meetings? FEAR. We fear failing, or struggling, or not being perfect. Unfortunately, there is no other road available to us to take us to the destination we desire. We will never be effective as speakers until we are comfortable in front of our audience.

Toastmasters offers us the best opportunity to get the “stage time” we need to master public speaking. Not only will you receive the encouragement and acceptance of the other members who want to see you succeed and grow, you will also receive the valuable feedback that will educate you on how to improve. Too often, as members we cancel our speech at the last moment, or hesitate to volunteer to speak at next week’s meeting, usually because we feel we won’t have enough time to prepare enough to be perfect. But, the hard truth is, you won’t master public speaking by osmosis! No more than Kyle will improve his hitting by watching other hitters take batting practice.

The secret is in the DOING. When you think about it isn’t this a rule that applies to everything in your life? We get better by DOING, so I urge all my fellow Toastmasters to take a different approach, learn the lesson of a nine year old Little Leaguer, and put yourself out there as often as you can! If you do, soon you will be hitting it out of the park!


If you’re reading this as a potential guest of Airpark Toastmasters, we sure hope you’ll visit us next week! We’re friendly and supportive – and we do lunch after almost every meeting! Hope to see you soon.

Life Lessons from the International Speech Contest

Life Lessons from the International Speech Contest
by Laura Orsini, VP Marketing/PR

“Anytime you suffer a setback or disappointment,
put your head down and plow ahead.”
– Les Brown

Whether it’s a juried art competition, the Olympics, American Idol, or a Toastmasters International Speech Contest, the judges have the final say – no matter who else in the room disagrees with them. We at Airpark Toastmasters learned that the hard way last night as our fearless champion, Tom Otstot, gave the speech of his life. Entitled “Three Words,” Tom spoke humorously, eloquently, and passionately about the three words that changed his entire paradigm: LET LIFE LEAD. His message was that life doesn’t always work out the way you plan it, but when you get where life takes you in spite of your own best wishes, it’s usually precisely where you need to be.

Ironically, last night didn’t turn out the way any of us would have guessed or planned, as Tom failed to place in the Top 3 out of six. To a person, there was nothing but jaw-dropping astonishment around our table (made up of APTM members, as well as members of other Arizona Toastmasters clubs) as the results were announced. I personally heard two people come up to Tom after the contest and tell him they would have placed him in the #1 spot. Strangely, though, the judges didn’t see it that way at all. I won’t deign to guess or try to surmise what might have gone into their decision-making, but I hope from the bottom of my heart that Tom knows we know he was outstanding, and we so very much appreciate all his hard work and the amazing job he did!

It’s a year away – and anything can change between now and then – but it’s my sincerest desire to see Tom come back to the 2011 contest and take first place. Kind of like Julie Andrews receiving the Oscar for Mary Poppins because she’d been previously overlooked (due to Academy politics?) for the lead in My Fair Lady

Congratulations to Michael Desiderio, of Epicurean Toastmasters, who will represent District 3 in the semifinals of the International Speech Contest this coming August in Palm Desert, California.

Tom spoke at a recent meeting about his desire to teach his children how to lose gracefully. In my humble opinion, this should not have been his moment to teach them that lesson … but I know that if anyone can let life lead him to the best response and lesson for his kids, it’s Tom.


If you’re reading this as a potential guest of Airpark Toastmasters, we sure hope you’ll visit us next week! We’re friendly and supportive – and we do lunch after almost every meeting! Hope to see you soon.

Toastmasters Spring 2010 Conference: Superseding Expectations

Toastmasters Spring 2010 Conference: Superseding Expectations
by Laura Orsini, VP Marketing/PR

Toastmasters is Toastmasters is Toastmasters, right? Well, yes and no.

Since joining Airpark Toastmasters in October 2004, I have participated in the following ways:

  • Regular attendance at Thursday Airpark Toastmasters meetings
  • Serving as VP of Education and VP of Marketing/PR for several differnt cycles
  • Attending Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) multiple times
  • Competing in and attending contests at the Club, Area, and Divison level

Today, I am attending my very first district conference. The District 3 2010 Spring Conference, titled “A Star Among Stars,” is superseding my expectations.

How It’s Different

As our members know, the energy at our club meetings is usually high, and the enviroment friendly and supportive. The District 3 Spring Conference takes enthusiasm and energy to a brand new level. Word of warning to all Airpark Toastmasters members: We WILL be attending the Fall Conference as a group – so keep November open!!

Things That Have Happened So Far (it’s just 1:45 p.m.)

  • I gave a well-received educational seminar about Creating a Legacy Club. People seemed most impressed with the quality of my PowerPoint presentation. If your PowerPoint needs a boost, ask me how!
  • I met Socorro Luna, president of Cooltown Toastmasters in Coolidge, Arizona, who gave me some fabulous ideas for marketing my own book, great ideas for improving our club, and info about a monthly dining club called Well Done.
  • At lunch, I sat next to Lois Sicking, who is campaigning to become the Toastmasters International Director. She, too, has great ideas for improving our club.
  • I met a gal from Tucson whose club hosts their meetings on a local cable access station every other week. They’re always looking to guest clubs for speakers. Anyone up for a ROAD TRIP and to be on TV??!
  • I met Kally Reynolds, author of Of Frogs & Princes, a new relationship book for women who have been there before.
  • I heard a presentation from Superstition Toastmasters about recruiting via video, specifically YouTube. Joey, I’ve got the handout to share with you!
  • We’ve got our banner displayed in the dining room, along with some 40 other clubs. Note to members: at least we’ve got 3 ribbons, but we’ve got a L-O-N-G way to go!
  • Tom Otstot was named as a brand new Competent Communicator during the Educational Awards Presentation.
  • We all were privileged to hear Jason Schechterle speak about how, following his life-changing accident in March 2001, he took to the life of an inspirational speaker … something he never would have seen himself doing before. Jason was the recipient of the Spring Communication and Leadership Award.

And who knows what is still to come! I’ve been busy drumming up support for Tom at tonight’s International Speech Contest. Sure hope to see some of our intrepid members come out to cheer him on!

Look for future posts, as there is more to come, for sure!



If you’re reading this as a potential guest of Airpark Toastmasters, we sure hope you’ll visit us next week! We’re friendly and supportive – and we do lunch after almost every meeting! Hope to see you soon.

Participating in Toastmasters Can Teach You to Run Better Meetings

Participating in Toastmasters Can Teach You to Run Better Meetings
by Laura Orsini, VP Marketing/PR

The Washington, D.C. Center for Community Change has a great post about how to run a good meeting. The thing many people may not realize about Toastmasters is that we naturally follow all the steps outlined in this post. It’s how Toastmasters is set up, and people wanting to learn how to run better meetings would do well to sign up with a vibrant, active Toastmasters club like Airpark Toastmasters.

Let’s take a look at CCC’s 14 steps to running a good meeting:

  1. Understand that a meeting is the middle of a process of preparation and follow-up. This is naturally the case with Toastmasters because the members are constantly in the process of learning to become better speakers and leaders. There’s no real start or end … just one long continuum.
  2. Start on time. Another feature of Toastmasters is its focus on the importance of staying on time. We strive to start every meeting at 12:05 p.m., on the nose … to have all the speakers work within their prescribed times … and to end on time.
  3. Begin with introductions. At every Toastmasters meeting, the Toastmaster (aka, the meeting emcee) first introduces guests and dignitaries. He or she then introduces the Functionaries, followed by introductions of the Speakers. And it is the General Evaluator’s job to introduce the designated Evaluators for each Speaker. Introductions are a huge part of helping a meeting flow well.
  4. Review the agenda. Every well-run Toastmasters meeting has a pre-printed agenda, provided by the Toastmaster of the day. This sheet contains the times, functions, and descriptions of what will happen throughout the meeting. Every good meeting – even the impromtu ones, as the CCC post mentions – has an agenda. 
  5. Make sure each person has an opportunity to participate. In Toastmasters, the Table Topics portion is designated as the time when members without functions and guests have a chance to speak. And should the meeting conclude without every member participating, our President strives to elicit some feedback or answer to a relevant question so that any remaining members are included. When people make time to attend a meeting – Toastmasters or otherwise – it’s essential that they feel that their presence is acknowledged and appreciated. 
  6. Set an ending time and stick to it. Much like our starting times, Toastmasters also strive to end our meetings on time. This honors and respects everyone’s schedules and helps us further learn the value of staying on time outside of the safe biosphere of Toastmasters. 
  7. Make some rules and keep them. While we’re not so formal as to follow Robert’s Rules to the letter, most Toastmasters clubs do have some rules to which they regularly adhere. Speakers who go beyond their respective grace periods do not qualify to win the Best Speaker/Evaluator/Table Topic ribbons. Likewise for using Word of the Day to qualify for the Best Table Topics award. We have an Ah Counter – and strongly encourage a 10¢-per-infraction donation to our quarterly party fund. The point of the rules? To keep the meetings flowing well – and so that all participants know what to expect ahead of time. 
  8. Chair the meeting. This is the entire job of the Toastmaster of the day. He or she chooses the theme, provides the agendas, and serves as the formal chair of the meeting. And in the rare event that the pre-assigned Toastmaster is unable to attend, a veteran member (or the person on the Hot Seat) is asked to step in and serve as impromptu Toastmaster. 
  9. Finish one thing; then move onto the next. The agenda is very helpful in this endeavor. Our meetings are broken down into 6 general parts: introductions, prepared speeches, Table Topics, evaluations, functionary reports, closing. 
  10. Get a specific response if your meeting has a target. This is less pertinent to our weekly Toastmasters meetings than it is to the Monthly Officer meetings, the reason being that generally speaking, the main objective of a Toastmasters meeting is to meet. Our goal is simply regular speaking and leadership practice. 
  11. End with a review of the decisions made and the assignments reached. We do this with every Toastmasters meeting, in that we award ribbons for the Best Speaker/Evaluator/Table Topics (decisions made) and we review the scheduled Toastmaster and speakers for the next meeting (assignments). 
  12. Set up the next meeting before you leave. For Toastmasters, this is already built in, because with the exception of holidays, all clubs have regularly scheduled meeting times. The review of the coming week’s schedule (as mentioned in #11) also lends itself to meeting this goal. 
  13. Give people a parting shot. Our President routinely ends our meetings by asking if anyone has any other comments. Only when he is satisfied that everyone who wants to speak has spoken does he officially end the meeting with the pounding of the gavel. 
  14. Keep your sense of humor. Ask virtually anyone in our club why they keep coming back, and one of the responses is likely to be “it’s the most fun I have all week.” We’re an eclectic club with diverse personalities and beliefs, yet we thoroughly enjoy each others’ company. Dynamic relationships continue to form as new members join.

It’s been my experience that Toastmasters is a fabulous environment for learning all kinds of useful skills … conducting a good meeting just one of them.

If you are interested in learning more about how Toastmasters can help you learn to run better meetings, Airpark Toastmasters will be hosting an Open House and Workshop Series entitled “Presentation Perfection” on Friday, April 30, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at our regular meeting place, Keller Graduate School. This is the same general time of day we hold our meetings, but on Friday, instead of Thursday. Join us for food, networking, and camaraderie. The seminars will be:

11:20 a.m.   Tips for Overcoming Your Public Speaking Anxiety

12:20 p.m.   Giving and Receiving Constructive Feedback for Best Results

   1:20 p.m.   Secrets for Running Effective Meetings

Please join us – and tell your friends! The event is free and open to the public, but we are limited to the first 100 people who come through the doors. Please call 602.518.5376 or e-mail OpenHouse@WriteMarketDesign.com to RSVP. If you’ve been thinking about stopping by, now’s your chance.

Toastmasters Is the Perfect Place to Hone Your Leadership Skills

Toastmasters Is the Perfect Place to Hone Your Leadership Skills
by Laura Orsini, VP Marketing/PR

There is an ongoing debate as to whether leaders can be made, or whether leadership is an innate skill. I tend to think one must possess some natural leadership ability to become a truly great leader. However, Toastmasters offers a phenomenal opportunity for building upon those skills and abilities. 

One reason Toastmasters works to foster leadership is that the members get to decide how much or how little they embrace the leadership track. At minimum, if they stay involved, members have the Toastmasters helps you hone your leadership skills.opportunity to serve in all the functionary roles, starting with simple, innocuous ones like Ballot Counter and moving up through the more leadership-oriented roles of Table Topics Master and Toastmaster

Another fantastic way members can develop their leadership skills through Toastmasters is by volunteering to serve as an officer. The officer roles require varying degrees of involvement, with President requiring the most consistent visible presence. 

Clubs and club members can also volunteer for other Toastmasters opportunities, such as:   

  • mentoring new members
  • mentoring newly chartered clubs
  • participation in Toastmasters Leadership Institute as presenters and organizers
  • hosting or other involvement in Club, Area, Division, and District conferences

Toastmasters is so dedicated to fostering leadership skills that it has an entire manual dedicated to it: Competent Leadership. Like the Competent Communication manual, it contains 10 projects, each of which builds on the strengths of the prior projects.   

1. Listening and Leadership (any 3 of the 4 following roles) 

  • Speech Evaluator
  • Grammarian
  • Ah Counter
  • Table Topics Speaker

2. Critical Thinking (any 2 of the 3 following roles) 

  • Speech Evaluator
  • Grammarian
  • General Evaluator

3. Giving Feedback (all 3 of following roles) 

  • Speech Evaluator
  • Grammarian
  • General Evaluator

4. Time Management (TIMER, plus any 1 of the 4 following roles)  

  • Speaker
  • Grammarian
  • Table Topics Master
  • Toastmaster

5. Planning and Implementation (any 3 of the 4 following roles)  

  • Speaker
  • Table Topics Master
  • Toastmaster
  • General Evaluator

6. Organizing and Delegating (any 1 of the 6 following roles)  

  • Organize club speech contest
  • Help organize club special event
  • Help organize public relations campaign
  • Help organize club membership campaign/contest
  • Help produce club newsletter
  • Assist club webmaster

7. Developing Facilitation Skills (any 3 of the 4 following roles)  

  • Table Topics Master
  • Toastmaster
  • General Evaluator
  • Befriending a guest at a meeting

8. Motivating People (any 3 of the 5 following roles, at least one of which must be Membership Campaign/Contest Chair OR Public Relations Chair)  

  • Speech Evaluator
  • General Evaluator
  • Toastmaster
  • Membership Campaign/Contest Chair
  • Public Relations Chair

9. Mentoring People (any 1 of the 3 following roles)  

10. Team Building (Both Toastmaster AND General Evaluator OR any 1 of the 6 following roles)   

  • Chair a club speech contest
  • Chair a club special event
  • Chair a public relations campaign
  • Chair a club membership campaign or contest
  • Serve as club newsletter editor
  • Serve as club webmaster

If you are interested in learning more about how Toastmasters can help you develop your leadership skills, Airpark Toastmasters will be hosting an Open House and Workshop Series entitled “Presentation Perfection” on Friday, April 30, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at our regular meeting place, Keller Graduate School. This is the same general time of day we hold our meetings, but on Friday, instead of Thursday. Join us for food, networking, and camaraderie. The seminars will be:

11:20 a.m.   Tips for Overcoming Your Public Speaking Anxiety

12:20 p.m.   Giving and Receiving Constructive Feedback for Best Results

   1:20 p.m.   Secrets for Running Effective Meetings

Please join us – and tell your friends! The event is free and open to the public, but we are limited to the first 100 people who come through the doors. Please call 602.518.5376 or e-mail OpenHouse@WriteMarketDesign.com to RSVP. If you’ve been thinking about stopping by, now’s your chance.