Tag Archives: Airpark Toastmasters

“Don’t Be A Turkey” Happy Thanksgiving!

An Important Message From Tony the Turkey:

A Story Of One Turkey’s Remarkable
Public Speaking Journey That Saved His Life!

Dear Valley residents,

Tony the Turkey here and do I have a story to tell you!

I have seen death and laughed in its face!

I cheated death.

I’ll tell you how in a minute. But first there’s something that’s really been ruffling my feathers as of late.

It’s about you.

You’ve paid your dues – many, many, many times over.

You’ve earned the right to have a financially and professionally rewarding job and career.

You deserve the peace of mind and stability that should come with a great job and career.

If you’re frustrated because you don’t have said job or career – because your current position isn’t what you thought it would be – or maybe the opportunity for advancement doesn’t look promising…

If you don’t trust your company to recognize and reward you the way you deserve – heightening your worries about job security, financial freedom and your ability to provide a quality life for you and your loved ones…

If you’re fed up being looked over for promotions, raises, job recognition or you can’t seem to get your team motivated to take action on your ideas…

I Tony the Turkey, feel your pain and understand your concern.

You see, at a time when most of my friends aren’t having a good month, to say the least, I have been granted a full pardon. I am alive and well and the reason for it: my ability to persuade the right people to my message with ease, confidence, and passion.

Yes, that’s right, I’m talking about my ability to speak in public, get my message heard and to get my audience to take action!

Here I am being called to the podium. I was so persuasive with my speaking one journalist approached me afterward to say, “You had me at ‘gobble.'” Who knew a turkey could speak in public? I admit I was a little nervous. But once I got over those initial fears I was able to get my point across and get the audience to act on my idea – To save me being the next Thanksgiving Day meal! Even though I’m a turkey I spoke like a true public speaking professional!

Do you remember the last time you were called to speak in front of your colleagues or co-workers and how nervous you were? The sweaty palms, jittery knees, you couldn’t even swallow it was so bad. I know because I’ve been there. I was so bad at public speaking they used to say, “Hey, he looks and sounds like a Turkey!

Take it from a turkey…

No one wants to be a turkey. Especially not in front of an audience of your peers, colleagues or superiors – that could be career ending! But when your neck’s on the line (pardon the pun) and you’re trying to express a crucial idea but you’re so nervous you barely feel your own two feet on the ground, it’s tough to impress anyone under those circumstances.

But it’s not your fault. Public speaking takes a lot of skill, dedication and hard work. But even then, if you’re working hard on learning the wrong things the problem will get much, much worse.

There’s only one way I know to permanently rid yourself of the fear of public speaking and master the art of getting your audiences to listen to and act on your ideas. It’s an easy to implement step-by-step approach using proven methods to manage your fears while persuading audiences, and having a great support group to cheer you on with encouragement and constructive feedback.

I’m talking about Toastmasters.

Toastmasters is the most complete system for individuals and professionals at all levels – employee, mid level, c-suite; business owners, MBA candidates, parents looking to communicate better with their children or anyone with personal and professional goals that includes learning to get their messages heard and acted on. Toastmasters is the only system that lets you practice multiple leadership and call to action situations without fear of embarrassment or waiting years to climb up the corporate ladder. It focuses on only the core skills necessary to get your message heard and acted on. After all, it’s better to spend less time on the haystack and more time on the needles you want to draw from it, right?

Ooh, and I may be a turkey but I’m no dummy. I know what you’re thinking. You’re probably asking yourself:

“Is Toastmasters All A Bunch of Hype?”

Honestly, how should I know? I’m a turkey. But what I can tell you is this: despite the countless public speaking successes our members have experienced (including 5 media appearances this year!) there are people who race to join Toastmasters, have revealed to them a ‘blue-print’ for public speaking success and yet 6 months down the road are still stuck or parked in the same spot!

You do get what you put into it.

I don’t think this will be your experience. After all, you found our blog and read this far so you must be interested in furthering your personal and professional goals through public speaking. Congratulations on completing the first step.

Now, the next step is to stop by as a guest, introduce yourself and watch and learn as we all move forward overcoming our fears, growing professionally through better public speaking and having a great time doing it!

Scottsdale based Airpark Toastmasters, meets at noon every Thursday at the Copperstate building at 7725 E Evans Rd Scottsdale, AZ 85260. That’s one block north of E. Redfield next door to the Scottsdale Airpark Airport. Please click here for directions and feel free to drop in anytime as a guest.


“Hey, he sounds like a turkey when he speaks in front of the board.
I’m giving him a promotion and a raise!”

Said no CEO ever.

Don’t be a turkey. Learn to speak in public.

Happy Thanksgiving,
Tony the Turkey
Author: Anthony Contreras

The scariest “Happy Halloween” on record!

I went to the Desert Ridge Sandbar here in North Phoenix this past Halloween weekend and I don’t ever recall seeing so many zombies and dead people all in the same night. Maybe I won’t be giving out candy this year. Scary stuff indeed.

Now Here’s Another Scary Thought I Bet You Didn’t Know:

75% of us fear public speaking!

Let’s try this frightening exercise to put the above statistic into perspective: the next time you’re at work or even out amongst friends, look to your left and then to your right. The above statistic being true, that means the two people you see on either side of you each have a major fear of public speaking.

Worse yet, survey’s show that most people would rather die than speak in public!

Did I hear a “boo”?

If this is you, never fear. It’s okay to fear public speaking, do absolutely nothing about it and still live your life as happy and prosperous as it may be.

Here’s proof: computer geeks or research scientists who work in basements with no windows or outside contact with other people whatsoever, much less a need to speak publicly, etc. No offense to all the hard working computer and research folks reading, but the need for people and public speaking skills is probably not necessary for you to be successful.

But, for the rest of us, the need is unavoidable if we expect to move up in the company, get the next pay raise or sell our product/services. And, our hope is that this blog will contain the missing pieces in your search to improve your public speaking and leadership skills – read on below for tips, techniques and personal success stories.

You’ll read about some amazing transformations of members who started with zero public speaking skills successfully getting promotions, opening up their own businesses and even appearing on TV, radio and in the AZ Republic. All because of the power of Airpark Toastmasters.

Airpark Toastmasters really can help you to overcome the fear of public speaking. Really!

So read on! You’ll be glad you did.

Then, pay us a visit as a guest on any Thursday and see what Airpark Toastmasters can do to help you dramatically accelerate your personal and/or professional goals. Our North Phoenix Airpark Toastmasters meeting directions are here.

Ooh, and one last thing…

Is Toastmasters All A Bunch of Hype?

Honestly, I can’t answer that for you. Despite the countless public speaking successes our members have experienced (including 5 media appearances this year!) there are people who excitedly race to join Toastmasters, have information, know-how and a ‘blue-print’ for public speaking success revealed to them and at 6 months to a year down the road are still stuck or parked in the same spot!

I repeat, on the one hand you have multiple, successful Valley professionals and business owners making a difference for their lives and families because of their remarkable ability to communicate. And, then you have those who just can’t seem to get out of the gate.

You do get what you put into it.

But I don’t think that’s going to be your experience at all. You’re diligent enough to have found this blog and appear to be researching your options for personal and professional growth. That’s a great first step and one that’s more effective at overcoming fear than you realize.

Now, the next step is to stop by as a guest, introduce yourself and sit back and watch as we each move forward overcoming our fears, growing professionally and having a great time doing it.

Scottsdale based Airpark Toastmasters, meets at noon every Thursday at the Copperstate building at 7725 E Evans Rd Scottsdale, AZ 85260. That’s one block north of E. Redfield next door to the Scottsdale Airpark Airport. Please click here for directions. We look forward to meeting you soon!

3 out of 4 feel like a pumpkin when speaking in public

He speaks like a pumpkin! Let’s give him a promotion. Said no one ever.

Airpark Toastmasters Members Interviewed on TV!

If you ever wondered what good public speaking can do for your career then take a look at two of our latest member successes – Claudia and Joanie.  They make the 6th and 7th Airpark Toastmasters members to make a recent, big media splash!

Here’s the news clip, starring Claudia and Joanie and how Toastmasters prepares us to be ready for the big TV Interview. Joanie Simon and her husband did an amazing job. You guys were so relaxed and I couldn’t detect any filler words or pregnant pauses….

Also, Claudia Sawaf, Wealth Manager for Trilogy Financial did a fantastic job!

Congratulations to the both of you!

The segment recently aired on FOX News and I’m forwarding the below link to all of you for your review.

Great job Claudia Sawaf and Joanie Simon.


Airpark Toastmasters meets every Thursday at noon to 1:15. Stop by as a guest and introduce yourself. We all look forward to meeting you!

Happy Speaking!

The Secret of Mastery

The Secret of Mastery
by Tom Otstot, Airpark Toastmasters President 

My 9-year-old son Kyle, despite temperatures hovering around 110 degrees, convinced me to take him to our Little League field to throw him some batting practice this past weekend. Kyle is a seasoned youth athlete, having played basketball and soccer since he was six, but baseball is a sport he only began a year ago. Fielding has been fairly easy for him to pick up, as his hand-eye and foot coordination transitioned naturally from the other sports, but hitting has been a challenge and is the weakest part of his game.

On this particular day, however, Kyle was making solid contact on virtually every pitch. I threw harder. He continued to crack the ball right back at me, almost effortlessly. It was a vast improvement from the last time I threw him BP and I commented to him my amazement at his new-found skill.

“What changed?” I asked, “What are you doing differently?”

He said to me, “Dad, I figured out the secret. The secret to getting better at hitting…is to keep hitting!”

He went on to explain to me that for the past year, he has heard so much advice (much of it from me!) on how to stand, where his hands are supposed to be, what to do with his head, how to rotate his hips, get that front foot down, extend his arms, etc., but the thing that actually is working for him is taking every opportunity he can find to simply practice hitting itself. Many times you will find him out in the backyard, hitting whiffle balls off the tee, or rocks from the side borders of the yard (which I restrain myself mightily from objecting to…), or Nerf balls in the family room.

He has learned a valuable lesson that every aspiring speaker must learn if they are serious about getting better – Improvement comes from DOING!

Darren LaCroix, the 2001 World Champion of Public Speaking, refers to this principle with his mantra “Stage Time, Stage Time, Stage Time!” He received this advice from his mentors in the comedy world while struggling as a fledgling stand-up comic, and committed himself to taking any and every opportunity to get up in front of an audience and perform in order to improve. Very simply, he observes:

My comedy mentors put it this way: How can you be funny in front of an audience unless you are comfortable in front of an audience? Yes—it’s that simple. Stage time is the essential element for bettering your performance. And it’s the same in the presentation world: how can you be EFFECTIVE, unless you are comfortable in front of an audience?

Why do we hesitate to take advantage of the opportunity to speak at our Toastmasters meetings? FEAR. We fear failing, or struggling, or not being perfect. Unfortunately, there is no other road available to us to take us to the destination we desire. We will never be effective as speakers until we are comfortable in front of our audience.

Toastmasters offers us the best opportunity to get the “stage time” we need to master public speaking. Not only will you receive the encouragement and acceptance of the other members who want to see you succeed and grow, you will also receive the valuable feedback that will educate you on how to improve. Too often, as members we cancel our speech at the last moment, or hesitate to volunteer to speak at next week’s meeting, usually because we feel we won’t have enough time to prepare enough to be perfect. But, the hard truth is, you won’t master public speaking by osmosis! No more than Kyle will improve his hitting by watching other hitters take batting practice.

The secret is in the DOING. When you think about it isn’t this a rule that applies to everything in your life? We get better by DOING, so I urge all my fellow Toastmasters to take a different approach, learn the lesson of a nine year old Little Leaguer, and put yourself out there as often as you can! If you do, soon you will be hitting it out of the park!


If you’re reading this as a potential guest of Airpark Toastmasters, we sure hope you’ll visit us next week! We’re friendly and supportive – and we do lunch after almost every meeting! Hope to see you soon.

Airpark Toastmasters’ Laura Orsini to Present at 2010 District Spring Conference

Airpark Toastmasters’ Laura Orsini to Present at 2010 District Spring Conference
by Mark Brezinsky, President  

Laura Orsini to head up session on Creating Legacy Clubs. 

Our very own VP of Marketing/PR, Laura Orsini, has been selected as a presenter at our 2010 District Spring Conference, being held at the the Arizona Golf Resort & Conference Center in Mesa.  The session, titled “Be a Part of the Legacy,” will run from 9:45-10:30 on Saturday morning, May 1.  

A valued member of our Airpark family since October 2004, Laura has dedicated herself to the club through her participation in leadership roles, from her current position as VP Marketing/Pr to past VP of Education.  She has also assisted in mentoring many new members, utilizing the superior skills she has developed during her time with Toastmasters.  

With Airpark’s Tom Otstot representing the Cholla Division in the International Speech Contest on at the conference on Saturday evening, every member of Airpark Toastmasters has even more reason to attend! I encourage everyone to show their support for Laura and Tom by doing Airpark Toastmasters proud and making a great showing. They will even have a place for us to display our banner!   

Laura‘s presentation will touch on: 

  • Highlighting what’s already working in your club
  • Brainstorming new ideas to build a club membership that lasts
  • Ways to take what you’ve learned back to share with your club

Please make a special effort to participate in what is sure to be an informative and entertaining presentation. 

Conference Details

A Star Among Stars
Toastmasters District 3 Spring Conference
Friday-Sunday, April 30-May 2
Arizona Golf Resort & Conference Center
425 S. Power Road, Mesa 85206

Special Keynote Speaker
2009-11 International Director,
Pamela McCown, DTM 

Hall of Fame Luncheon Honoree
Jason Schechterle

Full Conference: $113
Saturday Only: $75 (includes meals, contest, educational sessions)
General Registration Without Meals: $40 (includes educational sessions, gallery seating)
Contest Only: $15
• A la carte pricing also available

List of the Educational Sessions 



If you’re reading this as a potential guest of Airpark Toastmasters, we sure hope you’ll visit us next week! We’re friendly and supportive – and we do lunch after almost every meeting! Hope to see you soon.   

Congratulations to Linda Hall, APTM Nominee for Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year!

Congratulations to Linda Hall, APTM Nominee for Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year!

Here is the application, as we submitted it, naming Linda Hall as our choice for Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year.

Club Name: Airpark Toastmasters

Club Number: 8963

Outstanding Club Member Name: Linda Hall

Reason Why They Were Outstanding:

Linda Hall, a member of Airpark Toastmasters since November 2007, is our club’s unanimous choice as nominee for Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year. In spite of working as a mortgage broker (perhaps one of the most challenging jobs on the planet last year), Linda cheerfully served as co-President of Airpark Toastmasters, sharing the responsibilities with her business partner, Joey Sampaga.

Linda also found time to hone a humorous speech, titled “Ranger Rick,” about her encounter with a Neanderthal park ranger on a recent family vacation to Yellowstone:

I said, ‘Hands OUT OF POCKETS!!’

She represented Airpark Toastmasters in the Area C3 Fall Humor Contest, where she did a fantastic job and placed second.

Over the last couple years, Linda has been the extracurricular glue that has helped our club gel so well, using her skills as a cordon bleu chef to whip up mouthwatering meals for three Airpark Toastmasters happy hour parties she hosted in her home. These parties are the where bonds, friendships, and trust that make our club so special have been cemented. Not long after the first happy hour that Linda hosted, the members began going out to lunch as a group, following most of our meetings.

Linda, with her fiancé, Scott Long, is raising her 5-year-old grandson. She and her family live in Cave Creek, Arizona. No member of Airpark Toastmasters – or all of Area C3 – is more deserving of the honor of Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year than Linda Hall.


If you’re reading this as a potential guest of Airpark Toastmasters, we sure hope you’ll visit us next week! We’re friendly and supportive – and we do lunch after almost every meeting! Hope to see you soon.

Thoughts from the Soon-to-Be-Former “El Jefe”

Thoughts from the Soon-to-Be-Former El Jefe
by Dana Ball, former President

As the outgoing president of Airpark Toastmasters, I’d like to offer a few thoughts.

I recall vivid memories of my initial visits to Airpark Toastmasters. As a guest, witnessing the structure and flow of the meetings, as well as the performances of the members, left me awestruck and overwhelmed. It was not a difficult decision to join; I did so on my first visit. It just took some time to actually make the commitment, and I was encouraged to do so only when I felt ready, without any pressure put upon me.

Tom Mozilo was president at the time, and I marveled at how skillfully and adeptly he ran the meetings. He exhibited leadership skills which, to me, seemed natural and instinctive. I surmise, though, that his skills were honed over time through practice and perseverance.

Tom was succeeded by Co-Presidents Christine Pekrul and Brian Renner. Under their reign we realized growth in our membership, a new sense of common objectives and mutual support, and multiple awards and accolades. I have served as president since January of 2008, and will proudly hand over the gavel to our new new Co-Presidents, Joey Sampaga and Linda Hall. Our next meeting on January 8, 2009 will serve as their inaugural.

Our club has much to be proud of over the last year:

  • Brandon Oliver competed superbly and advanced to the highest level in the Humorous Speech Contest with an extremely creative and entertaining speech.
  • Anne Morris, Suzanne Muusers and Tom Otstot achieved Competent Communicator status in presenting their tenth speeches.
  • We welcomed a steady stream of new members and bore witness to innumerable Ice Breakers, all of which, in their own way, were courageous and inspiring.
  • We grew as individuals, and flourished as a club which proudly acknowledges a diverse membership of veteran Toastmasters such as Sunil Ahuja, Jeff Haebig, Laura Orsini, Tom Otstot, Helen Pugh, Brad Taft and Ann Terhark, all of whom guide and mentor each of us every week, as well as new members such as John Andrews, Omar Canez, Mark Cohen, Richard Garrard, Steve Garvey, Marc Hampson, Gary Holloway, Rebecca Morales, Michael Niall, Katie Nutter and Dane Treat who keep the meetings fresh, exciting and interesting.
  • And along the way, we had some fun, too.

I contributed to that end by faithfully embarrassing myself in various ways every week. I look forward to 2009 with all the challenges and rewards that await. Particularly, I eagerly anticipate relocating myself to the back of the room and assuming the role of troublemaker with Laura and Tom O. (Fair warning, Joey and Linda.)

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. God bless us one and all.